Get and set feature loadings

Loadings(object, ...)

Loadings(object, ...) <- value

# S3 method for DimReduc
Loadings(object, projected = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for DimReduc
Loadings(object, projected = TRUE, ...) <- value

# S3 method for Seurat
Loadings(object, reduction = "pca", projected = FALSE, ...)



An object


Arguments passed to other methods


Feature loadings to add


Pull the projected feature loadings?


Name of reduction to pull feature loadings for


Loadings: the feature loadings for object

Loadings<-: object with the updated loadings


# Get the feature loadings for a given DimReduc
Loadings(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]])[1:5,1:5]
#>               PC_1        PC_2        PC_3        PC_4        PC_5
#> PPBP    0.33832535  0.04095778  0.02926261  0.03111034 -0.09042074
#> IGLL5  -0.03504289  0.05815335 -0.29906272  0.54744454  0.21460343
#> VDAC3   0.11990482 -0.10994433 -0.02386025  0.06015126 -0.80920759
#> CD1C   -0.04690284  0.19835522 -0.35090617 -0.51112169 -0.13030628
#> AKR1C3 -0.03894635 -0.42880452  0.08845847 -0.27274386  0.08779165

# Set the feature loadings for a given DimReduc
new.loadings <- Loadings(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]])
new.loadings <- new.loadings + 0.01
Loadings(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]]) <- new.loadings

# Get the feature loadings for a specified DimReduc in a Seurat object
Loadings(object = pbmc_small, reduction = "pca")[1:5,1:5]
#>               PC_1        PC_2        PC_3        PC_4        PC_5
#> PPBP    0.33832535  0.04095778  0.02926261  0.03111034 -0.09042074
#> IGLL5  -0.03504289  0.05815335 -0.29906272  0.54744454  0.21460343
#> VDAC3   0.11990482 -0.10994433 -0.02386025  0.06015126 -0.80920759
#> CD1C   -0.04690284  0.19835522 -0.35090617 -0.51112169 -0.13030628
#> AKR1C3 -0.03894635 -0.42880452  0.08845847 -0.27274386  0.08779165