Get and set miscellaneous data
Misc(object, ...)
Misc(object, ...) <- value
# S3 method for Assay
Misc(object, slot = NULL, ...)
# S3 method for Assay
Misc(object, slot, ...) <- value
# S3 method for Assay5
Misc(object, slot = NULL, ...)
# S3 method for Assay5
Misc(object, slot, ...) <- value
# S3 method for DimReduc
Misc(object, slot = NULL, ...)
# S3 method for DimReduc
Misc(object, slot, ...) <- value
# S3 method for Seurat
Misc(object, slot = NULL, ...)
# S3 method for Seurat
Misc(object, slot, ...) <- value
An object
Arguments passed to other methods
Data to add
Name of specific bit of meta data to pull
Miscellaneous data
An object with miscellaneous data added
# Get the misc info
Misc(object = pbmc_small, slot = "example")
# Add misc info
Misc(object = pbmc_small, slot = "example") <- "testing_misc"