Launch the mapping app

AzimuthApp(config = NULL, ...)



Path to JSON-formatted configuration file specifying options; for an example config file, see system.file("resources", "config.json", package = "Azimuth")


Options to set, see ?`Azimuth-package` for details on Azimuth-provided options


None, launches the mapping Shiny app

Specifying options

R options can be provided as named arguments to AzimuthApp through dots (...), set in a config file, or set globally. Arguments provided to AzimuthApp through dots take precedence if the same option is provided in a config file. Options provided through dots or a config file take precedence if the same option was set globally.

Options in the namespace can be specified using a shorthand notation in both the config file and as arguments to AzimuthApp. For example, the option can be shortened to reference in the config file or as an argument to AzimuthApp

See also


if (interactive()) {
  AzimuthApp(system.file("resources", "config.json", package = "Azimuth"))